Check out all the current in person fitness classes with Torri.

All in person classes are in Mt Zion, Il.


All classes have limited spots, so get this email and have all the info for upcoming classes!

Soul Fire Fit Class

This class is a combination of light cardio, bodyweight exercises with bands, and stretching. Plan to sweat and burn. The class will last about an hour. 7 person max.

Currently the class meets:

Wednesday at 5pm

Thursday at 5:30

RSVP by email: [email protected], or message Torri on Facebook or Insta.

Soul Fire LIFT Class

This class incorporates weightlifting to increase strength and muscle development, which is essential for all our fitness goals. This class is approximately 40 minutes.  There is a 4 person max.  Cost is $25 per person.  

RSVP by email: [email protected], or message Torri on Facebook or Insta.

One on One in person training.

These are individual, personal session that incorporate weightlifting and mobility work to increase strength, muscle development, and flexibility, which is essential for all our fitness goals. This session is approximately 50 minutes. 

These individual sessions are $55 each or prepay for 4 sessions for $200.  

To book: email: [email protected], or message Torri on Facebook or Insta.